Monday, December 30, 2013

Diabetes: What's Your Number?

Annette Lammon-Belcher, R.N.
HEALTHCARE SERVICES MANAGER  Diabetes is the new epidemic in the United States! Nearly 26 million children and adults have pre-diabetes. It is estimated that two million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. As many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes in 2050 if present trends continue. The economic cost of diagnosed diabetes in the U.S. is $245 billion per year.

Complications include heart disease, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, neuropathy, and amputation. Many of these are preventable or can be controlled.

Some ways to reduce your risk of getting diabetes are healthy eating and controlling your weight, keeping physically active, control your blood sugars, control high blood pressure, stop smoking, and control your cholesterol.

Regular check-ups from your physician and routine lab work to monitor your numbers. Fasting glucose of <100 or AIC <5.7 are considered to be in the normal range of diabetes-free individuals! If you do not know what your number is, consult with your physician to see if you are at risk for developing diabetes.

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