Monday, December 30, 2013

Diabetes: What's Your Number?

Annette Lammon-Belcher, R.N.
HEALTHCARE SERVICES MANAGER  Diabetes is the new epidemic in the United States! Nearly 26 million children and adults have pre-diabetes. It is estimated that two million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. As many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes in 2050 if present trends continue. The economic cost of diagnosed diabetes in the U.S. is $245 billion per year.

Complications include heart disease, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, neuropathy, and amputation. Many of these are preventable or can be controlled.

Some ways to reduce your risk of getting diabetes are healthy eating and controlling your weight, keeping physically active, control your blood sugars, control high blood pressure, stop smoking, and control your cholesterol.

Regular check-ups from your physician and routine lab work to monitor your numbers. Fasting glucose of <100 or AIC <5.7 are considered to be in the normal range of diabetes-free individuals! If you do not know what your number is, consult with your physician to see if you are at risk for developing diabetes.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holidays as a Caregiver, by a Caregiver to all Caregivers...

Coping with Holidays as a Caregiver
By Brenda Race

We all know that Holidays can be a very stressful time just in living an ordinary family life. There is much confusion with the hustle and bustle of preparing for extra company, fixing special meals and playing the host while trying to also enjoy the whole experience ourselves. For the caregiver, this time can add a whole new set of stresses to an already stressful situation.

I think that one of the most important points we should remember as role of the caregiver in this situation is to try to maintain a sense of familiarity for the one we are caring for. Confusion and unfamiliar changes often bring out the worst in us. Imagine then, what it can do to someone with memory problems, physical impairment, or other handicap. With this in mind, there are some tips, which may help make the holidays a little, more enjoyable for all involved.
Try to include your loved one in some holiday preparations. Focus on their remaining strengths, and let them use their own capabilities to help with small tasks. It makes them feel that they are being useful while at the same time help to occupy them while you are also able to get on with other preparations. I remember so well having my mom peel the potatoes for me. She enjoyed doing it so much that she peeled 10 pounds before I stopped her. She was happy so I let her go!
With the holidays comes decorating. Try to minimize the amount of clutter that this may add.
Whatever the holiday you are celebrating, gift giving is an inevitable part of most of the festivities. You might want to consider placing only a few gifts out directly. There is no need to spread them out so that they fill half the living room. This would only create a hazard to the one you are caring for by tripping them up or confusing them. One year my mom felt the need to rearrange all of the gifts; we are still missing a few but we learned from the experience to be selective in how we placed them.
With all of the extra decorating comes the use of additional electrical cords.... Be sure to secure all extra cords so that they are not a hazard. Try to run them along the outside walls where they are not so visible to the eye. Another good idea is to try to maintain the same furniture floor pattern. For someone who may be a little confused at times, moving the furniture around may totally throw them off and lead to more confusion and agitation. Remember also to consider the live plants you may want to use in your decorating schemes; be sure to avoid placing poisonous plants out for display. A beautiful display of artificial flowers would be a safer way of making a room colorful.
Try to schedule the major activities for the day early in the day. We know that as the day wears on we all tend to become tired under normal conditions. For someone who is struggling to find their place in an already confusing world, the stress and agitation increases as the day goes on. Saving a time of sitting and quietly visiting towards the end of the day would benefit all concerned. Talking of past holiday customs and recipes may be enjoyable for your loved one, if they have long term memory recall.
Most importantly, always try to make your loved one feel secure and protected. As much as possible keep your loved one on their regular routine. We all know that just a slight change in routine can cause increased confusion and stress to every one concerned. Your holiday plans will flow a lot smoother if every one is aware of your loved ones needs and limitations. With guests in and out of the house, be sure that someone is aware at all times of where they are. If they tend to wander there is a chance that they may wander off while everyone thinks that everyone else is watching Aunt Mary! It may be a good idea to even assign different ones to take turns keeping him or her in sight. And if your loved one becomes agitated, try to remove them to a quiet area of the house either with yourself or someone they trust. Your loved one could be trying to tell you that they need a break from the activities.
Finally, be sure to fit some time in for yourself this holiday season. If you have the extra people there, then use them to your advantage. Take a few minutes sometime during the day to pamper yourself! Remember this is your holiday too, and do not be afraid to let family know that a little quiet time for yourself could be a gift beyond measure. Place your sister or brother in charge of mom or dad or hubby and go run yourself a hot bubble bath or take a 30-minute much needed nap. Something this simple will refresh you and help you to enjoy the holidays that much more too.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside....article from

Baby, It's Cold Outside

By Jennifer Bradley, Staff Writer

In many areas of the country, cold weather is an old-forgotten nemesis that reappears this time of year. When caring for those with disabilities and seniors, caregivers must take some simple precautions to ensure a loved one’s safety this winter season.

Temperature control

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 600 Americans die each year from hypothermia, half of whom are older than age 65. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s body temperature drops from the normal 98.6 degrees to 95 degrees or below. Seniors and those with disabilities are at a greater risk if conditions such as arthritis and a variety of mediations diminish their response to cold temperatures.

Layering is not just a fashion trend; it serves a purpose, especially for those susceptible to dangerous temperatures and if a home is prone to drafts. Use lighter layers of clothes nearest the body and make them easily removable and also a non-hassle to put back on. Layers trap warm air between each layer, keeping the body warmer.

When outside, keep a loved one's exposed skin covered, including head, face, ears, hands and feet. A couple things to remember: use mittens versus gloves, since they allow the fingers to touch and generate heat. Next, make sure a loved one's clothes are loose fitting, since tight clothes keep blood from flowing and minimize the production of body heat. Proper footwear is also something a caregiver should examine and see is proper for the season.

Maintaining an even, warm house temperature is essential during the cold weather season. A caregiver should make sure the thermostat is easy to read, perhaps with large digital numbers, so a loved one can check it frequently. The National Institute of Health recommends at least 68 to 70 degrees as a standard, and says that even mild cold temperatures such as 60 to 65 degrees can cause a hypothermia risk for seniors.

Stay Safe

Many times, cold weather is the cause of power outages. Both darkness and cold are situations a loved one does not want to find themselves in without some preparation and knowledge of what to do.

Many people with disabilities and seniors rely on powered devices for medical care such as oxygen or for mobility. Have emergency numbers easily accessible and an emergency kit with easy-to-use items available at all times. A generator is a great source of backup power. A caregiver should walk their loved one through its use and the emergency plan before such a situation arises.

For many loved ones, travel is hard during the cold winter months. A caregiver can be an advocate by eliminating any unnecessary travel, shopping for their loved one and encouraging family members and friends to visit at the loved one’s home. Take advantage of the nicer, sunny days and don’t push medical appointments that can be put off if the cold is too extreme or snow too deep. Another option for medical appointments is for a caregiver to look into a visiting physician service if travel is too difficult.

A big safety issue in wintertime is falls. A caregiver can help prevent this common injury-causing scenario by keeping sidewalks and door entryways clear. Think of things that might cause a loved one to go outside?  The mail?  Pets?  Appointments?  A caregiver can be available or have someone nearby to assist with these daily tasks while the weather is less-than-desirable.

Don’t worry, be happy

Cabin fever isn’t just for newlyweds taking refuge in a north woods cabin. Many seniors struggle immensely with this season of isolation and Vitamin D deprivation. 
Remind a loved one to drink plenty of water, eat well and exercise indoors as much as possible. Many senior-friendly exercise videos are available.

Encourage socialization by inviting friends and family who are able to travel for a visit. "Brain" games such as word and number puzzles and simply reading the daily paper help a loved one maintain a sense of connection during the long winter months.

Keeping warm isn't the only thing on a caregiver's to-do list during the cold season. Ensuring a loved one is safe and content are also important and will make for a faster, happier winter for all.


See ACE Education and Training Center for all of your Caregiver Training needs:

We specialize in Caregiver Training:
•        Fundamentals of Caregiving Level 1 – The Basics
•        Fundamentals of Caregiving Level 2 - Developmental Disabilities
•        Fundamentals of Caregiving Level 2 - Aging and Physical Disabilities

 We also provide training for:
•        First Aid/CPR & AED
•        Article 9
•        Prevention and Support
•        Incident Reporting
•        Cultural Sensitivity
•        Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens
•        Positive Behavior Supports
•        …and many other classes!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Full House at ACE!

It's a full house at ACE Education and Training Center! Students are busy with the requirements of their Direct Care Worker positions. Ace provides DCW training, Article 9, First Aid/CPR, Airbourne and Bloodbourne Pathogens training, and many Continuing Education Classes. Look us up at for information regarding fees and schedules.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Alzheimer's: Dealing with Difficult Behavior

Alzheimer's: Dealing with Difficult Behavior
By J B Buckley
As if it weren’t enough to deal with forgetfulness and confusion while caring for your loved-one with Alzheimer’s, but aggressiveness, wandering and paranoia can really put you over the edge. Managing your loved-one’s difficult behavior is your true testament of love and devotion. You know it isn’t their fault, it is their disease that is making them scream, cry or yell terrible things out at you. Who ever said patience is a virtue, didn’t care for a loved-one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Perhaps a caregiver’s only defense is to understand how to react to difficult behaviors and be ready for them.
Difficult behaviors can be broken down into the following categories: Wandering, Sleeping and Eating Problems, Agitation, Paranoia and difficulty with personal tasks. This is not to say these categories are the only forms of behavioral problems displayed by people living with Alzheimer’s, but their remedies may intersect other problems.
Wandering is not an uncommon hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Stress in the variety of noise, clutter or crowding can cause your loved-one to wander. The best idea is to reduce excess stress. A person living with Alzheimer’s disease should be settled in a quiet, clean, and spacious environment. This will eliminate many of the unwanted stressors, which could cause your loved-one to wander. Other reasons why your loved-one may wander include: Feelings of being lost, boredom, need to use the restroom or medication side effects.
In order to prevent your loved-one from feeling lost or foreign to his or her environment, provide them with familiar objects and reassure them quite frequently that they are at home or in a safe place. Maybe a family photo or an award he or she has won always jogs their memory so keep it close by. If your loved-one displays signs of boredom, give them a task of limited difficulty. This will keep them entertained but won’t frustrate them. Folding laundry is a great activity for people living with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
It is possible that your loved-one is wandering because they need to use the bathroom. In which case, place elaborate signs or pictures on bathroom doors to help guide them. Also, it is a good idea for you to implement regular toilet times. This will keep both of you on schedule. If your loved-one is wandering due to medication side effects, contact their physician to initiate a change in prescription or to lower the dosage. Wandering can be a dangerous behavior. Caregivers should contact their local Alzheimer’s Association to obtain information about ‘The Wanderers Program’ in their area.
People living with Alzheimer’s or dementia often experience sleeping and eating problems. Common causes for these problems include: discomfort, medication, pain, dehydration, depression and excessive sleeping or eating.
Feeling discomfort can sometimes not be conveyed by your loved-one depending upon the severity of the disease but it can cause eating and sleeping disturbances. Frequently monitor your loved-one’s room temperature, lighting, noise level, and chair or bed position. If you think your loved-one’s medications could be curbing his or her appetite or ability to sleep, speak to their doctor about changing or eliminating prescriptions.
Pain can be a factor in eating or sleeping disturbances. Again, sometimes a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia cannot express their feelings; if you sense a change in appetite or sleeping pattern has suddenly occurred without due cause, set an appointment for a medical examination. Dehydration is a known factor of sleeping and eating disturbances. Make sure your loved-one is drinking plenty of water. Place a pitcher filled with water near your loved-one at all times. Remind them it is there frequently and check to make sure it remains somewhat full. Too full can result in another problem- slip and falls.
If you feel your loved-one is showing signs of depression, have him or her evaluated by their physician. Anti-depressants or bedtime sedatives may be a productive treatment option. Depression can also cause excessive sleeping or eating. In which case, increase their exposure to light and reduce or eliminate nap time or snack time.
Behavioral problems are defined as patient responses, which are considered noxious to staff, other patients, the patient himself, or family (Burgio, Jones, Butler, & Engel, l988). Behavioral problems have a profound impact on quality of care, staff, morale and the day-to-day operation of the long-term care institution
See ACE Education and Training Center for all of your Caregiver Training needs:
We specialize in Caregiver Training:
        Fundamentals of Caregiving Level 1 – The Basics
        Fundamentals of Caregiving Level 2 - Developmental Disabilities
        Fundamentals of Caregiving Level 2 - Aging and Physical Disabilities
 We also provide training for:
        First Aid/CPR & AED
        Article 9
        Prevention and Support
        Incident Reporting
        Cultural Sensitivity
        Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens
        Positive Behavior Supports
        …and many other classes!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Empty Fridges Could Equal Poor Health For Seniors

Empty Refrigerators Could Equal Poor Health for Seniors
By Jennifer B. Buckley

If you are caring for an elderly loved-one, consider keeping their refrigerator well stocked to keep them healthy. Sounds strange? Well a newly published research letter in the August 12, 2000 issue of The Lancet suggests this claim fairly accurate.

According to the report, “Elderly people with empty refrigerators are more likely to be readmitted to the hospital after assessment compared with patients with adequate refrigerator content.” Researchers from Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland conducted the study. A total of 132 elderly patients (aged 65 and older) recently discharged from the hospital for various aliments were studied. All received routine medical visits in their homes at least once a month after their release from the hospital. During the visits, medical researchers did a thorough assessment of their refrigerator content; classifying it as adequate, inadequate or empty.

A classification of adequate meant the seniors contained the appropriate amounts of different food products to maintain proper nutrition. An inadequate measure was based on refrigerators containing rotten foods or outdated foods. An empty classification proposed there were less than three different food products in the fridge.

Additional data collected included variables such as body mass index, biological markers and nutrition. In addition, social data was collected and proved to be a valuable measure. According to a report on Aging-Related Statistics published in 2000 by the Federal Interagency Forum, seniors who are socially active are more likely to have better physical and mental health.

Patients were evaluated for at least three months, and the numbers and exact dates of hospital admission were calculated within the figure. The study recorded that of the 132 refrigerators assessed, 119 or 90% were classified as having adequate or inadequate food content and 13 or 10% were considered empty. The patients with an empty refrigerator, compared to patients with a full refrigerator, did not differ in age, gender, body mass index, or socially.

According to the findings, four or 31% of the patients with empty refrigerators were admitted back into the hospital four weeks following the conclusion of the assessments. Only 10 or 8% of those patients with a full fridge had to be readmitted into the hospital.

The study concludes that the adjusted risk of being admitted was increased threefold with an empty refrigerator.

The report suggests that future studies need to be completed in other settings to help determine the impact on one’s health from an empty refrigerator. However, caregivers may want to take notice of food content in their loved-one’s home. The report does not give direction as to which food products should be kept stocked up, just that the food product should not be spoiled or outdated. The Food and Drug Administration’s food pyramid is normally recommended for an adequate source of nutrition for most people, except those on special diets.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Traveling With a Person Who Has Altzheimer's

Traveling With a Person Who Has Alzheimer’s
Joyce Simard                                  

Being a caregiver doesn’t mean you have to give up life’s pleasures. You can still enjoy traveling with someone who is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease; it simply requires planning well in advance. Safety should be the number one consideration in traveling with a person with Alzheimer’s. Wandering and becoming anxious may be more likely because you’re leaving the familiar routine and environment.
The first thing to do is call your local Alzheimer’s Association and register with their Safe Return Program or Wanderer’s Program. Both are moderately priced. The entire registration process should be completed before leaving for your vacation. It is also important to remember to never leave your loved-one alone during the trip because they are more likely to wander in an unfamiliar environment. If a situation does present itself, have a crisis plan ready and don’t be hesitant to seek assistance from local authorities or emergency services.
  • When preparing for bedtime during a hotel stay, secure the hotel room door.
  • During your trip, maintain a daily routine as much as possible. This will help lessen confusion.
  • Wake up at the same time each morning and go to bed at the same time each evening.
  • Keep regular meal times.
  • Have comfort items such as pillows, snacks and water readily available when you travel. This includes any kind of transportation including bus, train, car or airplane. 
If you feel travel will be too difficult with your loved-one consider respite care at an assisted living facility. Many facilities offer this form of short-term care. A great way to approach respite care with your loved-one is to tell them they are going on vacation too. Respite care will provide quality care and meaningful activities, which will make their stay very enjoyable and safe, just as a vacation should be. You can even call the facility frequently while on your trip to make sure everything is ok. 
Keep in mind that taking a break from your care giving responsibilities can be vital for your own mental and physical health. In the end, it’s a tremendous benefit to both caregiver and care recipient. Bon voyage!
For more interesting articles on Caregiving...
For Caregiver
Christine Poteete
Business Development Director
ACE Education and Training Center, LLC
Work: 623-932-7979
Cell: 623-695-4588
Fax: 623-925-8473

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Provider Fair AZ

Come visit with ACE Education and Training Center at the AZ Provider Fair on November 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Metro-Tech High School located at 1900 West Thomas, Phoenix, AZ 85015. See how we can meet your DDD provider training needs!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Being Mentally Active Helps Preserve Memory

We often times think of exercise as time consuming and dreaded... But the benefits of it are unmatched by anything else!  Would you work out if it meant keeping your memory?

Being Mentally Active Helps Preserve Memory

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Military Personnel With Insomnia At Higher Risk Of Mental Disorders After Deployment

Doesn't surprise me!  If a someone in the military is effected by insomnia before being deployed, this raises chances of acquiring PTSD post deployment.  My husband is diagnosed with PTSD and I know that he has suffered from insomnia pre and post deployment!  This would be a huge factor in his anxiety levels... I think that so many men and women in the military are effected with insomnia pre deployment and a number of them return with PTSD tendencies...

Military Personnel With Insomnia At Higher Risk Of Mental Disorders After Deployment

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dementia: Diagnosis Possible At Ever Earlier Stages And With Ever Greater Precision

Dementia: Diagnosis Possible At Ever Earlier Stages And With Ever Greater Precision

If you have been effected by Dementia, you will be thrilled to know that research has created a way to detect teh symptoms and receive care and treatment much earlier than before!  

Monday, June 3, 2013

This month is PTSD Awareness Month!!!  Educate yourself on the signs and symptoms... Learn what you can do to help someone with PTSD!

Friday, May 31, 2013


Happy faces of our students! What a week... They are well equipped and very prepared to head out and care for their clients... Thanks to hands on training and experience here at ACE Education and Training.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Autologous Cord Blood Successfully Treats Pediatric Cerebral Palsy

Autologous Cord Blood Successfully Treats Pediatric Cerebral Palsy

Another amazing advancement in Health!  Autologous Cord Blood that can successfully treat Pediatric Cerebral Palsy patients!!!

Meet the Business Development Director at ACE!

Hi all!  My name is Stella Abril!  I am the Business Development Director for ACE Education and Training Center!  I wanted to give you all the opportunity to meet your Blogger :) 

Children With Autism Benefit From Enrichment Therapy

Children With Autism Benefit From Enrichment Therapy

Look at how beneficial enrichment therapy can be for children with autism!  Thoughts?  Concerns?

Friday, May 24, 2013

What is ACE?

ACE Education and Training Center is a new, hands on training center available to all caregivers alike!  We specialize is training both family and public caregivers... We offer all state certified classes including CPR/ First Aid and Article 9... If you know someone caring for a loved one that would like to be certified, contact us today!  You can be certified in as little as a week! 